Privacy policy.

1. General

This policy regarding privacy and marketing (”Privacy Policy”) describes how All Boobies Matter Inc., e-mail:, (”All Boobies Matter,” ” we”) collects, uses, shares, and stores your personal data.

1.1 This Privacy Policy is applicable to the provision of services and products by All Boobies Matter related to purchases, customer service, and other contacts with All Boobies Matter, such as visits to our website. This Privacy Policy also applies to the processing of personal data related to All Boobies Matter accounts (”Account Holder”).

1.2  You should always feel secure when you give us your personal data.  This privacy policy is intended to explain how we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.


2. Responsibility for Personal Data

All Boobies Matter is responsible for All Boobies Matter’s use of your personal data, and is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with the law. All Boobies Matter is also responsible for the management of your personal data related to your personal All Boobies Matter account.


3. When do we process your personal data?

3.1 We need to collect and use your personal data when you visit our website, purchase our products or services, or contact us for customer service or information.

3.2  All Boobies Matter collects and uses your personal data when you make a purchase on our website, use our customer service, visit our website, or when you in some other way make contact with us.  The information we collect from you when making a purchase is necessary in order for you to enter into a contract with All Boobies Matter and to enable us to fully serve you.

 3.3 If you are an account holder, All Boobies Matter also collects the personal data that you gave us when registering your account on our webpage.  All Boobies Matter also collects data during the time that you are a user on our website related to your activities as a All Boobies Matter user, such as your purchase history, how you use All Boobies Matter’s website, and which email promotions you have been interested in. All Boobies Matter also uses data that we, from time to time, gain access to through your All Boobies Matter account.  As an account holder, you can update your personal information at any point via your login.

3.4 All Boobies Matter may also use your personal data when managing ad campaigns. Check Sections 4–7 of this Privacy Policy for more details.

3.5 We collect and update your address information via third parties in order to keep your address up-to-date.


4. Which personal data do we collect?

4.1 All Boobies Matter Customers
The personal data that All Boobies Matter collects and manages about you as our customer, either through purchases or through use of our customer service is:

  • Name and identification number (personal number, national ID number, or organization number)

  • Address

  • Phone number and email address

  • Payment information

  • Customer number

  • IP-address and information about your use of All Boobies Matter’s website

When we manage our ad campaigns, we may process the following categories of personal data 
obtained from you or generated in our internal systems generating your data:

  • TransactionID

  • Revenue

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Status - New/Recurring customer

  • Conversion data (that the user has converted, their conversion value and what website
    they converted from)

Check Sections 5-7 of this Privacy Policy for more details.

4.2 Account Holders
The personal data that All Boobies Matter collects and manages about you as an account holder is:

  • Name and identification number (personal number, national ID number, or organization number)

  • Address

  • Phone number and email address

  • Payment information

  • Customer number

  • IP-address and information about your use of All Boobies Matter’s website

  • Information about which of our products and/or promotions you have been interested in and how you interact with our newsletters.

  • Information about your purchases

  • Information about your account


5. Why do we collect your personal data?

5.1 All Boobies Matter Customers
All Boobies Matter collects your personal data for a number of different reasons.  Primarily, we collect your personal data in order to:

  • Complete our obligations to you as a customer, such as execution of the purchase, invoicing, and customer support provision;

  • Enable general customer care and service, such as answering questions and correcting incorrect information;

  • Manage our relationship with you as a customer and provide our services;

  • Give you relevant information and promotions via email, telephone, mail, or online;

  • Assess which payment methods we can offer you, such as through credit assessments;

  • Improve our offerings to our customers by further developing our services, products, and online features;

  • Prevent fraud and develop our risk management; and

  • Follow applicable legislation, such as accounting laws.

Your data can also provide the basis for market and customer analyses, market research, statistics, business tracking and business development related to the purchase of goods and services.

5.2 Account Holders
In addition to the above listed, All Boobies Matter can use your personal data as an account holder in order to:

  • Administrate your account;

  • Provide you with account holder benefits, such as pre-loaded user information, more payment options, ease of re-ordering past orders, and selling custom designs through our website;

  • Provide special offers;

  • Make communication with you as an account holder possible through mail, email, and telephone; and

  • Enable personal offers, marketing, and event invitations via telephone, mail, email, or our webpages.

5.3. If you are a visitor of websites included in the ecosystem of the Advertising Networks (as 
defined below in Section 7), we may also process your data to manage our ad campaigns. This 
includes targeting, measuring and improving those campaigns, delivery of commercial messages,
tracking of the visitors' activity on the websites mentioned, etc. Check Sections 4, 6-7 of this 
Privacy Policy for more details. 

6. Legal basis for processing your personal data

6.1 This section describes the legal framework in which All Boobies Matter grounds our collection of your personal data.

6.2 We use your personal data in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to you as a customer or account holder, such as carrying out purchases, and to you as account holder, such as simplifying your personal administration and managing your order history. On this same legal basis, we also collect data about you as an account holder, including your purchases, behaviour on our website, interaction with All Boobies Matter, and interest in our offers and products in order to fulfill our commitment to providing you with relevant personal offers.

6.3  We in part process your personal data on the basis of the so called ”weighing of interests.” This concerns the management of your personal data in order to, for example send personal offers to you regarding our products and services, as well as to distinguish between our users (e.x. based on purchase amounts). When it comes to the management of our ad campaigns, our interest is to do so in an effective manner, to measure and improve them over time, to make sure that you are served with the most relevant ads that are of interest to you. All Boobies Matter does not use any sensitive personal data or conduct any profiling based on a weighing of interests.

6.4 In some cases, All Boobies Matter many have a legal obligation to process your personal information.  This applies  to, for example, the processing of personal data that we used to meet our obligations under Accounting Laws.

 8. Profiling

8.1 All Boobies Matter has the right to process your personal information through profiling. We can analyze information about you as an account holder and how you use our website, which of our goods, services, and offers you are interested in, which of our newsletters you have interacted with, which of our events you have registered for, information about your purchases, and information about your account in order to extend to you offers that we think suit you, and to invite you to events we believe you will be interested in attending.

8.2 You may, at any point, remonstrate the use of your personal data for profiling.  This can be done by contacting All Boobies Matter at Once All Boobies Matter has received your remonstration, we will cease using your personal data to this end. 


9. How long do we save your personal data?

9.1 Your personal data will only be saved during the allotted time period to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected, in accordance with this privacy policy. In certain cases, All Boobies Matter may store your data over a longer time period in order to meet certain legal requirements, for example if a juridicial process is underway.

9.2 All Boobies Matter stores account holder personal data so long as the account holder has an open account with All Boobies Matter.


10. Who do we share your personal data with?

10.1 All Boobies Matter may share your data with third parties such as All Boobies Matter’s affiliates, cooperative partners, and providers of payment and communications services. All Boobies Matter may also share your personal data with companies that provide address updating services to ensure that we have your correct address information.

10.2 The third parties, with whom All Boobies Matter shares your data or to which All Boobies Matter in some way provides information about customers or account holders, may only use your personal data for the purpose of selling or marketing All Boobies Matter or All Boobies Matter’s affiliate’s and cooperative partners’ products and services, or in connection to All Boobies Matter’s contract with you as a customer or account holder. If you purchase our goods or services via credit, your personal data may be shared with a credit bureau.

10.3 Your personal data may be shared with by All Boobies Matter with relevant administrative authorities in order to fulfill All Boobies Matter’s legal interests or to detect, prevent, or note fraud and other security or technical issues.

10.4 All Boobies Matter may send your personal data to countries outside the EU/EES in cases where All Boobies Matter’s providers or cooperative partners are located there. If your personal data is sent to a land outside the EU/EES, All Boobies Matter will take the necessary steps to ensure that your personal data remains protected and that your personal data is transferred in accordance with relevant legal frameworks.

10.5 When processing your data to manage our ad campaign, we may share some of your 
personal data with Advertising Networks. Check Sections 7 of this Privacy Policy for more 

10.6 We will not sell your personal data to third parties.


11. Amendments to our Privacy Policy

11.1 All Boobies Matter has the right to amend our Privacy Policy at any time. We will promptly notify you of changes to our Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the amendments, you have the right to terminate your contract with All Boobies Matter before the amendments to our Privacy Policy are actualized. You can terminate your contract by contacting All Boobies Matter.


12. Protection of your personal data

12.1 You should always feel secure when you leave your personal data with us.  All Boobies Matter has therefore taken the necessary security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, changes, and erasure. All information and data regarding our customers and account holders is saved in a database that is protected by access control and a firewall.


13. Your rights

13.1 All Boobies Matter is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is managed in accordance with applicable laws.

13.2 All Boobies Matter will, at your request or our own initiative, correct, disassociate, delete, or supplement information that is found to be incorrect, incomplete, or misleading.

13.3 You have the right to request:

  1. Access to your personal data. This means that you are entitled to request a record of our processing of your personal data. You can even receive a copy of all your personal data that we manage. You have the right to, free of cost, obtain a record of which of your personal data we have registered, the ways in which your data is used, and the recipients and future recipients of your personal data. You also have the right to information about from where your information has been collected if it hasn’t been received directly from you, instances of automated individual decision-making (including profiling), as well as the predicted time period during which your information will be stored or the criteria that is used to stipulate the period. In your record you also have the right to receive information on your general rights that are given in this section. We may request more information from you in order to protect your identity.

  2. Amendment of personal data. At your request, we will amend any mistakes or incomplete information that we have about you.

  3. Erasure of personal data. You have the right to request that your personal data is deleted if it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was originally collected. However, we may have a judicial obligation to retain your personal data and therefore not delete it, for example for accounting or tax purposes. In that case, we will end all processing of your data that is undertaken for purposes other than legislative compliance.

  4. Limitations of use. This means that your personal data may be blocked from being used for reasons other than our specified limited purposes. You can, for example, request a limitation when you deem your data to be incorrect or when you have requested correction under point 13.3.2). During the period in which your data is being corrected, use of your data will be limited.

13.4 All Boobies Matter will inform each recipient of which personal data has been shared, in accordance with point 10 above, regarding any corrections to or erasures of data, as well as limitations to the processing of data.

13.5 You are entitled to data portability.  Under certain conditions, you are entitled to extract and transfer the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format to another party responsible for your personal data.

13.6  You are entitled to object to the processing of your personal data performed of the basis of a balance of interests. If you object to such processing, we will only continue the processing if there are legitimate reasons for the treatment that weigh over your interests.

13.7  If you do not wish for us to use your personal data for direct marketing, you are always entitled to object to this processing by emailing We will cease the processing of your personal data for such marketing purposes after receiving your objection.

13.8 You are entitled to lodge any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data to the Data Inspectorate.


14. Cookies

We use cookies when you visit our website. You can find more information about how we use cookies in our cookie Policy.